Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Video: Poll: Florida Latinos currently favoring Romney

>>> romney and gingrich have been targeting the hispanic community hard. the miami poll shows romney is the favorite, 52% to 28%. congressman, are you with us?

>> i'm here. i'm here. i can hear you.

>> gorgeous weather. you and two other prominent latinos gave your endorsement to romney . he said he would veto the dream act as president. i believe that you don't agree with him on immigration, but this is a big priority, is it not?

>> we don't agree on aspects of his immigration policy . he believes that border security is first and foremost and that has to happen before anything else. yeah, we disagree. what i do agree with him on is the fact that can has concern as everybody is about the economy and how a failed presidency made a bad situation worst. the hispanics are concerned about that. it's hard to get a job if you a hispanic in this country. that's the issue. borrowing from bill clinton . it's the economy. it's never be so true than today.

>> other latino leaders are upset about this. he says you are betraying the latino community by supporting romney . he wrote just days ago, he sin ults the skbejs intelligence of latin os living outside of florida. cuban republicans politicians seem to be out of touch. he cannot claim to be for free markets and capitalism when he supporters romney 's protectionist and isolation policy towards immigrations. what is your response to that?

>> let me apologize. i'm squinting, it's really bright. he has the right to his opinion. i think my record is clear. my representation of this community is pretty clear. again, here is the question. who is the person that can save this economy? we need a turn around master. we need someone that turn this country around from the failed policies of president obama and who can win in november. all the other issues, whether it's hugely important issues to me, education, the environment, everything else you can think of obviously national defense . if question not have an economy that allows us to afford all these other things, it's all for naught. who is the person that can beat president obama , defeat the failed policies of president obama , who can turn this country around. remember, for the first time in american history our debt has been degraded because of the incredible debt this president has accumulated over his three and a half years. who is the person who can do that? the name continues to pop up as mitt romney . i think what you'll hear in florida, i think you're going to see some strong support from the latino community from mitt romney because they understand that without jobs everybody else is impossible.

>> i want to play you some sound right here. this morning gingrich was attacking romney 's conservatism. he's been calling him a liberal. take a listen to this.

>> every time we nominate a moderate, we lose. why would anybody in the establishment think that a massachusetts moderate, which is a liberal by republican standards, proabortion. pro-gun control. pro- gay rights . why would they think he'll be able to debate barack obama .

>> is he liberal enough for the establishments?

>> i'm not sure what you mean by the establishment. governor romney came in just a few votes short in iowa. i don't think anybody has said iowa republicans are left-wing radicals radicals. the reason he's receiving the support, it's jobs. it's the economy, stupid as bill clinton used to say. he can win in november. to bring back the united states to the position that it needs to be economically and every other way around the world. the person who can do that is governor romney . don't take my word for it. look at who the white house is also targeting. look at who the white house and president obama is scared of and trying to defeat now so they don't have to run against him in november because they understand he's the strongest, that's governor mitt romney .

>> all right. we appreciate your time today, sir. thanks so much.

>> thank you.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/46193176/

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