Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ear Bud Headphones Leave Younger People In Need Of A Hearing ...

Health and Fitness | General health | * Written by Abigail Aaronson | Monday, 06 August 2012 09:54 | Word Count: 551

Young people have always had a sense of invincibility. Cigarette smoking, excessive drinking, reckless driving and loud music are all activities young people are known to partake in without thinking about the repercussions. However, these days even the more cautious youngsters are inflicting permanent damage on themselves without even realizing it. Younger people may be sentencing themselves to a visit to a hearing center just by using the most popular form of headphones today: ear buds.

As you may already know, ear buds are the very small pairs of detached headphones that fit into each ear opening. They typically come free with the purchase of an mp3 player. Ear buds took over the music market decades ago because their small size makes them more portable and discreet, and their lack of a headband allows travelers to lay their heads down for a more comfortable listen.

But these headphones have been proven to cause hearing damage to people who use them extensively. Loud noise can damage the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that pick up sound waves and signal the auditory nerves so that the brain can then process those waves as sounds. Loud noise for a short period of time can flatten and disable those hair cells, which is why we feel slightly deaf after a rock concert. However, exposing your ears to loud noises on a regular basis for extended periods of time can cause permanent damage and may land you in a hearing center at a premature age.

Here's something else to consider: people who work in factories, shipyards or anywhere else with loud machinery are usually advised to wear ear plugs on a daily basis to protect themselves from permanent hearing loss. However, the typical volume at which people crank up their music through ear buds exposes the ears to roughly the same number of decibels as working around loud machinery does. Because many people today listen to music for several hours a day on portable devices, they are suffering the same damage as a factory worker would if he or she went to work every day without wearing any protection. That damage is irreversible and can be severe enough to bring you into a hearing center.

Also, the actual speakers in ear bud headphones are located closer to the eardrum and sensitive inner ear parts than any traditional headphones. Fortunately, a certain design of larger headphones is coming back in style. The large headphones usually sported by disc jockeys are gaining popularity because of their retro style and high sound quality. These have been shown to cause less hearing damage than ear buds.

These headphones are designed to block out outside noise. Some even advertise total elimination of outside noise. This is important because when outside noise is reduced or eliminated, the listener is able to hear their music clearly at a lower volume. Ear buds, on the other hand, block out the least amount of noise of all types of headphones, and the music device must therefore be turned up louder to compensate for and cover up the outside noise.

If you're suffering from the results of excessive use of ear buds, there is a jacksonville, fl hearing center?ready to work with you today. Visit?http://www.miracle-ear-jacksonville.com for more details.

Article Source: Article Directory - http://www.freearticleforyou.com

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Author of this article: Abigail Aaronson.

Number of Articles Published: 1990

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Abigail Aaronson joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Friday, 21 January 2011.

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Source: http://www.freearticleforyou.com/Health-and-Fitness/General-health/ear-bud-headphones-leave-younger-people-in-need-of-a-hearing-center.html

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